East Asia Training & Consultancy Pte Ltd aims to help clients gain a competitive advantage by exploiting the links between statistical, financial, econometric, operational research and mathematical forecasting and modeling and the advances in technology and software.
East Asia Training & Consultancy Pte Ltd aims to work closely with software developers and academic associates experts in the relevant fields to provide thoroughly researched and professionally delivered solutions to our clients.
Outsourced Forecasting Department. For organizations with limited forecasting requirements, we function as an outsourced forecasting department. This service allows the client to benefit from experienced forecasters without the need to invest in additional staff, training or specialized software. We bring expert knowledge and experience to each project, thereby dramatically reducing the learning curve and allowing clients to benefit immediately from our services.
Design & Installation of In-house Forecasting Department. We identify client specific needs, design an appropriate forecasting process, implemented the program across multiple departments and train staff as needed.
Appraisal and Economic Analysis. We provide forecast appraisal and economic analysis services designed to assist end users such as managers, senior executives, board members and others who depend upon quality financial and economic forecasts in their decision-making process. We review in-house or externally generated financial and economic forecasts as an independent unbiased party on behalf of the end user. We assess the quality of the forecast, which enables the decision-maker to better understand the risks associated with the forecast.
Forecast Audit. For companies that have an existing forecast process in place, we offer a forecast audit service. We review current processes and make recommendations, which may enable the client to increase forecast accuracy, improve the efficiency of the current forecast process and limit existing or potential forecast bias.
We work closely with researchers from many different fields, including researchers in basic science, those who test the safety, efficacy and effectiveness of new drugs and devices, and those who conduct observational studies to identify and detect risk factors for diseases.
We offer a number of services to researchers, including:- Expertise in implementation stage including study design, data management, biostatistical analysis, design and analysis of clinical trials, statistical genetics and statistical computing
- Access to physical facilities, equipment and computational resources
- Protocol with external stakeholders
- Application for ethics & grant applications
Our Risk Management and Simulation Consulting Services provides simulation modelling to improve the quality of decisions in petroleum, healthcare, logistics and finance.
Oil and gas- Improve acquisition and divestiture
- Optimize asset management
- Increase upstream profitability
- Recognize and value real options
- Optimize resource reallocations
- Analyze alternative work processes
- Test the effect of alternative layouts
- Address risks and vulnerabilities
- Forecast the impacts of co-location
- Process optimization
- Integrated decision supports
- Optimize resource reallocations
- Improve credit and liquidity risk management
For enquiries on our Consultancy services, please email us at consultancy@eastasiatc.com.sg
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